Getting involved
The team would love to know about all the brilliant initiatives going on across the county, and learn how we can best support and champion citizens, producers, farmers, organisations and businesses working towards a sustainable food future.
Please see below for how we envisage engaging with different groups and individuals now and in the future.
Alternatively have a look at our current projects to see if there looks to be a good match for you and get in touch using the form below.

Businesses / Producers / Farmers
We'd love to hear about all the brilliant initiatives going on, so that we can champion your work and help connect with you and all our partners. Let us know you exist and what you're doing through the form below!
We also convene workshops and gatherings, bringing together farmers, producers and businesses - get in touch to be added to our mailing list to find out about GFFP events.
Organisations and Community Groups
If you run a food or farming initiative we should know about. Please get in touch using the form below.
We also have an umbrella campaign 'Great Food Gloucestershire' which aims to provide an online space for connecting food citizens with initiatives and events across the county.
If you have a food and/or farming initiative we should know about, or an idea that you'd like to explore. Please get in touch using the form below.
We also have an umbrella campaign 'Great Food Gloucestershire' which aims to provide an online space for connecting food citizens with initiatives and events across the county.
We aim to deliver on multiple policy outcomes by being well positioned to join up initiatives across the county.
We'd love to know about latest research, initiatives to showcase, funding opportunities, as well as events that align with the strategy and are exciting for Gloucestershire.